Friday, June 8, 2012

Last Day Friends and Thank You Parents


This year I used a combination of the two memory books from above.  This first one is from Mrs. Johnson's First Grade and the second one I can't for the life of me remember where I found it!

On the back of the student's memory books, I add the page below.  I print our class/school information and then attach a class photo.  We each grab a sharpie and then walk around the room signing each of the memory books.

I love these last day of school photos!  I printed them in antique and black and white.  I had a few of the funny glasses left over from my son's birthday, so I thought it would be cute to let the kids pose with those too.  Click here to grab a copy to make your own.

My friend Stacy found this super cute idea on Pinterest.  The kiddos colored the letters and I snapped some photos. Then I arranged them on this cute background Stacy threw together.  I printed it out on photo paper and laminated it.  Finally, I grabbed a little easel for display and I had a super simple, cute gift for my parent helpers.

Happy Friday!


  1. I sent you an award come check it out.

    First Grade @ Storybook Cafe

  2. Just found your cute blog!
    I am your newest follower!

  3. Jamie - Those pics are TOO cute! I need to do that this year - first day and last day.

    Kristi and I are giving you an award so come on over to get it!

    Teaching Little Miracles


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